Everybody knows the meaning behind the little blue box: Tiffany’s & Co. Jewelry declared as the most popular packaging over the world. But, what is the story behind the box? What makes this packaging so special?
Let’s start by the company; the first Tiffany store opened in New York City founded in 1837 by Charles Lewis Tiffany, the first day’s sales total was USD 4.98. Until today Tiffany’s is recognized as a symbol of luxury around the world and one of the biggest authorities when it comes to jewelry.
The blue box, in 1886 Tiffany’s launched the original engagement ring, in a little blue box, instantly the box becomes as popular as the ring itself, in fact, a lot of customers went to the store just to buy one of this boxes, Charles Lewis Tiffany said about it that “he would happily give you one for free, as long as you selected a design to put in it.” https://www.tiffany.com/world-of-tiffany/blue-box-story/

The color of the box is popular know as Tiffany’s blue, also called: forget-me-not blue, or robin-egg blue color. Technically the color name is No. 1837 on the Pantone matching system chart, used by the first time in the blue book, a jewelry catalog released in 1845 by Tiffany’s company. The popular story it’s that the color was selected because of the big popularity of turquoise gemstone. Currently the color it’s not commercially available
The blue became tiffany’s trademark, and the company standardized it to ensure that doesn’t matter where the Tiffany’s blue is always going to be the same.
The blue box, comes with the Tiffany’s & Co embossed, despite not being necessary, the box comes with coated 1837 Pantone blue paper, named for the year of the company foundation; and includes a white satin ribbon. Currently, the company is using green material into the production of the boxes, in pro of the environmental sustainability goal.
Even the box inspired some jewelry pieces. More than a century later, the blue box remains as a packaging icon and a symbol of jewelry

This packaging it’s a perfect example of how sometimes less means more, the simple beauty of the packaging and the use of the color to generate a response in the customer, related with sophistication and status; it’s a complete success in packaging design. It also is the perfect proof that good packaging generates engagement and is as important as the product and as the brand itself.