4 Valuable Questions That Help To Find The Right Packaging


Answering these 4 questions and get the right material for your product packaging!

Question 1: How much will you spend on your packaging?

What is your budget for the packaging? How much are you willing to pay for the packaging?

You should be able to answer these questions before considering the material. Take some time to calculate your expenses, as well as the weight and size of your merchandise. This will help you estimate the cost of the material needed and its shipping. Your custom packaging price will depend a lot on your choices and your products.

If you choose Rigid Boxes, a premium packaging option, additional materials may be required to protect your bespoke boxes during delivery and storage. This will inevitably increase your costs, far more than you plan at first.

The fundamental factor to estimate your material budget is to make a distinction between what you want your package to be and how you want it to perform.

Question 2: How will you store, distribute and ship your product packaging?

The packaging helps to protect your product so that it can be delivered to your customers in good condition. It is crucial to think about how your packaging will function in each of these scenarios.

It is indeed dependent on your product; if your product is extremely fragile or heavy, you should prioritize robust and long-lasting packaging.

When it comes to custom product packaging, making sure your packaging can withstand all of the procedures while keeping your items intact should be your priority. In the long run, it is far more cost-effective to cover any expenditure that will assure the safety and durability of your products.

Question 3: How will your packaging promote your brand?

Another factor you should think about is how will the packaging help promote your brand and your product. Your customer satisfaction is all that matters to ensure the success of your products. When it comes to branding possibilities and materials, make sure to address the customer’s wants.

Market research is an excellent approach to gain a better understanding of your niche, consumers, and rivals. When picking your choosing materials and designs for the packaging, make more research on your competitors’ ideas. Some of the existing ideas can be a great inspiration for your packaging.

Question 4: How will your customers’ unboxing experience be?

Your packaging is the initial point connecting customers with your brand. The packaging increases the whole experience by building anticipation for your items.

In today’s world, unboxing videos have had a resurgence. Unboxing content has exploded on every social media platform, and you should not ignore this factor when designing packaging.

Not only your product but also your brand will benefit from the unpacking experience. Creating beautiful packaging can inspire your consumers to share their experiences on social media, increasing your brand’s exposure and authority in the market.

At He Tien Package Co., we provide consultancy services that help you design and manufacture product packaging.

Contact us today! It is our pleasure to assist you and your business.

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